Effects of Climate change in my village during life time.


The talk on sustainable development started in the late 1970’s and calminated in the Bruntland report of 1987.If world leaders had taken the conferences and reports seriously and acted upon them,we probably won’t be witnessing these disasters of climate change such as typhoon haiyan that destroyed Phillipines in the last week. Unfortunately,it is the poor that bear the brunt of the capitalist minded leaders inaction.
The impact of climate change is clear in my village in Northern Ghana in the last three decades. The people of Guabuliga are subsistent farmers who depended on the natural resources, land, water, forest and wildlife for survival. When I was growing up, seasons were predictable and rainfall lasted from March to early December. Farmers could grow crops and harvest twice before the dry season set in. Women benefited from selling wild fruits, but the most important was sheanut, used in making oil for domestic consumption and for cosmetic product. Sheanuts was a major source of income for women as men didn’t get involved in the processing due to their farm work. We would go early dawn to the nearby bushes to pick sheanuts before going to school.
Water sources was also abundant as the streams were protected by forest and several wetlands.Some of these places with several wildlife including pythons were designated as shrines, receiving animal sacrifices twice a year. It was a celebration during the time of sacrifice. Children did not go to the bush unaccompanied by adults, due to fear of wild animals attack.
Sadly, these are stories now because of gradual environmental degradation resulting from prolong dry weathers. Rains have become erratic, lasting a maximum of two months a year, with prolong droughts.The wetlands and water bodies have dried up.Forest burnt down in wild fires. Wild animals and fruits are no longer available.
The consequences is that the land can no longer provide food enough for the people. The farmers have no other skills to diversify into a different economic activity. Women are deprived of income from the sheanut trees which didn’t need maintenance to produce fruits. The population has become poorer over the years due to the actions of wealthy people millions of mills away. Migration by the youth to the cities is now common, in search on non-existent jobs. This is causing problems such as teenage pregnancies and increase in HIV/AIDS infections.
It is imperative that the Northern countries leaders should expedite action to stem the tide of climate change for the poor in the world to survive. America and China who are the world leading greenhouse gas emitters have the moral responsibility to sign the international conventions on reducing their carbon footprint. It is hypocritical to see America taking the lead on emergency relief in disasters which are a result of climate change, which they are adamant to act on.

4 Responses to “Effects of Climate change in my village during life time.”

  1. sdiederichs Says:

    As long as we are dependent and using fossil fuels, there is not much hope. The problem is that even if we would be dramatically reduce the emission of greengas in the atmosphere, it is not sure if the global warming process could be reversed. But we should do anything we can to try. But are we, the consumers, ready to stop buying cheaper chinese products, eating food which has travelled thousand of miles to end up on our plates, using our cars, flying planes, in fact going back to how our world was before the fossil fuelled industrialisaton? I don’t think so. We should campaign so that huge investments in research be made by every governments to develop viable energy alternatives, and I am sure that taxes could play a big role as an incentive to get greener, even for us. We ALL have an interest in it, the people of the South but the people of the North too. We all live on the same planet, our overall commons, and we have to feel responsible for it. Let’s stop talking and each of us, do something greener today and lobby the local governments to be greener. It works!

  2. u0953238 Says:

    The author seem to be confusing me. In your earlier on articles you seem to claim that you are from Nigeria and on this article you claim to be from northern Ghana. I would have appreciated if you had actually provided the name of your village Google maps would have taken me there.Seeing is believing.

  3. u0950028 Says:

    Speaking of nature doing its job, trees produce large amounts of water vapor, a major greenhouse gas and are a huge contributor to global warming. So again, nature has a way of fixing itself, by having these pine beetles eat up a bunch of the trees so it can reduce the greenhouse gasses and return itself to more conducive temperatures as its defense against the sun.

  4. bay222013 Says:

    Reply to u0953238, I appreciate the pressure for time, but you have to read the text first before commenting. You would have seen ‘the people of GUABULIGA’, google that and you will find the information. I wrote about the oil spill in the Niger Delta, but did not mention I am from Nigeria. Obviously you did not read my text.lol.

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